We get it, California.
Right now, things are tough.
We can help.
Protect your business with professional
Covid-19 solutions with Contact Tracing and Social Distancing
Physical Distancing
Monitor social distancing to reduce the risk of illness while maximizing the health and wellness of your team
Contact Tracing
Prevent outbreaks through detailed contact tracing feature and identify high-risk interactions
Risk Analytics
AI-powered dashboard provides management with analytics to perform precise, professional contact tracing
Professional contact tracing is as easy as 1, 2, 3...
Wearable Accessories
Sleek, personal wearables that provide vibrating alerts & log all interactions for contact tracing purposes
LTE Gateway
Powerful, plug-and-play Gateways cover common areas, entry/exit points, and nearly all other professional environments
Detailed dashboard provides management alerts with WHO and WHEN protocol was violated & provides detailed contact tracing data
Dashboard / API Feed
Employee Treemap
Real-Time Alerts
Outbreak Identification
Physical Distancing
Contact Tracing
Online Dashboard
February - SPECIAL
Peace of Mind Deal*
*Includes one accessory for each employee and Gateways or Sensors to cover your area
per employee